Adventure seekers

Adventure seekers
They just keep on growing.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Anderson Birthday's

I have a funny story today, and I know the Anderson family will enjoy this one..... Today Caden got to go to his first little friend's birthday party without mom or brothers. He was very good and had a lot of fun. But there was one thing that he did that the parents couldn't figure out. When they lit the candles on the birthday cake, Caden covered his ears. Now, I wonder why he would do that? Oh yeah, the Anderson birthday song. I know that many of you have heard our version of the birthday song, and you know how loud it can be. Caden covers his ears every time. These parents wondered if we did fire crackers or something because of Caden's immediate reaction. I guess you never think how things we are used to affect our kids when they are out of our presence.


Drostan and Jennifer said...

I've been to one of those Anderson birthday parties! I understand Caden!!!

Matt and Tommi +4 said...

That is great! Mattie always covers her ears too.She started crying when we sang to her for her birthday. She can't stand loud noises.